Thursday, August 18, 2011


The room is full and it appears there may be some material worth noting today. You guys know how this works by now, if not, you'll figure it out.

11:22 - Newest additions to the room have brought a camera with film in it. While his mom is being treated, I cannot imagine a photo opportunity arising, but I'm glad he will capture it if need be.

11:24 - The nurse is by herself today, so everything is taking a bit longer. Glad she just got the sleeping guy finished and out of here. I was 5 minutes away from putting a pillow over his snoring face.

11:28 - I am really concerned why this guy has a camera in here. Also as to why its not digital? And why is the back of the camera missing? These are the extent of my questions with life right now...

11:30 - I've had to watch the nurse run her 4th IV in the last 10 minutes. I hate needles. and blood. I might pass out. I'm also not joking.

11:36 - The guy that has the camera keeps getting up to raid the free snacks. He's had 2 juices and is on his 2nd and 3rd pack of peanut butter/crackers. He also doesn't know how to sit in a chair. He reclines it all the way then gingerly tries to crawl into it. Worse is that his mom next to him doesn't tell him how to do it correctly. Needless to say, I am a bit amazed with this guys idiosyncrasies...

11:39 - The rest of the room is comprised of generally older people and Camera dude's mom who hasn't mastered the, "cover your mouth when you cough" routine yet... Super glad she's sitting directly across from me!!!!!

11:42 - Camera Guy has just downed his 2nd juice . I'm beginning to think that I've just been making fun of someone who is mentally challenged to a degree. Seriously. I'm not 100% sure, but somethings not right here and I'm having a real struggle of conscience on whether to continue pointing things out. I already made fun of the language barrier that some people experience yesterday, I prolly have a short leash with the Big Guy this week already...

11:49 - Yep, I was making fun of someone I shouldn't have been. FML. I really am horrible, but as if its even worse, I'm still amazed at his mannerisms. and his love of crackers. He loves crackers... Also, His name is actually TJ. TJ is staring at me. Its uncomfortable.

11:52 - Now 2 old ladies are comparing war stories about their family's illnesses. This is a super fun exchange.

11:58 - Awkwardness alert!!!!! TJ is halfway sucking his thumb.

12:01 - 1 of the older ladies. I've named her Agnes. has said, "Well Anyways" to start her last 5 sentences. Its nowhere near as annoying as you might think. That last statement is false.

12:03 - TJ is now chewing on 2 fingers. No awkwardness alert. its totally normal looking. He must be out of crackers...

12:04 - Still fully aware that I am a horrible person, but at this point I can't stop it...

12:08 - Agnes' husband, who looks like he's usually a happy old man, has now adopted the look that if Agnes doesn't shut up soon he's gonna snap. I think he actually wants to strike her in the head.

12:13 - Agnes and her husband are leaving. I'm not sad. Neither is he. I bet Agnes gets it when she gets home...

12:26 - TJ just took all f the crackers in the room. Not joking. stuffed them in his pictures envelope like its just NBD. Thanks a lot TJ, I didn't want any crackers...

12:35 - Now TJ is taking all the cookies. He must have a tapeworm...

12;36 - His grandmother has a mustache. I felt like if I'm really gonna be a horrible person for writing things, I might as well put that one out there.

12:37 - TJ just sat in the chair correctly. Its about progress folks...

12:43 - Since the 2 lesbians in the corner just left. Its TJ, his grandma, and me. If he goes to the bathroom, I'm gonna take everything else in the snack tray. Really throw him off his game.

12:45 - It is really nice that TJ keeps checking on his grandma though. He seems genuinely concerned that her IV is sore.

12:48 - TJ has a red bandanna in his pocket. I really took him for more of a Crip type, but that's what I get for assuming...

12:49 - BTW, Mom went to get lunch at Subway. This will totally trump TJ's bag of cookies and crackers that he took and that I'm still slightly bothered by, but probably shouldn't be...

12:55 - Granny took a potty break. TJ and I are holding the fort down. We also may or may not be keeping it real.

1:13 - Its actually TJ's Auntie not his grandma. I've always had an issue with folks using Auntie instead of Aunt. Sounds way overly fancy when another word will do.

1:15 - TJ and his "Auntie" are leaving. I'd hoped her name was Anne and that she brought pretzels, but I've been disappointed.

Oh well, this ends today's live blog. Thanks to TJ and everyone else that helped. You guys stay classy, after my last two blog posts, its clear that I cannot...


  1. "I'd hoped her name was Anne and that she brought pretzels, but I've been disappointed." You never cease to make my day.

  2. Oddly enough she ate the hell out of pretzels while they were here. They literally bankrupted the snack basket. I should have named the "Lehman Brothers"...
